Double Threats Forever (Double Threat Series) Read online

Page 18

  “Oh, my god. Did you see that? He touched me.” I scream again, jumping up and down. “I love you Josh! Marry me! Have my babies!” I don’t know if anyone hears me, but I’m having fun.

  Whap! Something hits Josh in the face. He holds up a red lace bra, twirls it around his finger, and then puts it in his pocket, pointing at Keesh with a wink. She freaks out just like I did.

  And then it’s over. Out of breath and sweating like we’ve just run a hundred suicides, we all run backstage laughing our asses off.

  “Dude, that was awesome!”

  “Oh my god, I haven’t had that much fun is so long,” I say, panting.

  Mr. Mitchell stomps right into the center of our breathless circle. “That had to be the most inappropriate thing I’ve seen in years.” Oh shit. “I loved it!” He holds up his palm to high-five each of us. “I’m probably gonna get a good talking to but it was worth it. You had the crowd going, Josh. Good job!”

  The King is not going to be crowned until the dance tomorrow, but we’re all going to the game tonight anyway. There’s a lot of fun to be had with Powder Puff football, boy cheerleaders, and the halftime show.

  Nothing can top last year’s half time, though. Mr. Fuller proposed right there on the field in front of everyone, and my teacher accepted. We all helped with the planning and made it happen without a hitch. Tonight, they’re on the sidelines with baby Noah in a stroller. Mrs. Fuller looks great. Her belly is gone and she’s glowing. I can only hope to have that same glow when I’m married to my hot guy and we have a beautiful healthy baby.

  “Hey, Meggie. Are you ready to kick some booty?” Mrs. Fuller asks.

  I pull back the soft blue blanket so I can get a better view of Noah. He still has those chubby cheeks and wild hair. “Yeah. I guess. We messed around at practice more than anything. If I didn’t watch football with my dad and Alex, I’d have no idea what I’m doing.”

  Mr. Fuller chuckles. “I doubt anyone will notice if you guys suck. They’ll be too busy watching these fools over here.”

  Josh and Travis are practicing their leg kicks at the moment. Thankfully, they have some slider shorts on under their skirts, or it’d be a little awkward. “Yeah, they’re taking this way beyond serious.”

  He’s still observing the crazy. “Did they really shave their legs?”

  I chuckle. “Their armpits too.”

  He rolls his eyes, shaking his head. “I’m gonna put a Barbie on Travis’s desk on Monday,” he says, with a slight laugh.

  “Bye, baby Noah. See you later, little guy. Say hi to your little cousin for me.” His mouth curves up on the side, and I convince myself he’s smiling at me.

  “They’ll be here later,” Mrs. Fuller says of the new Mrs. Gelson and her family. “Stop by and visit us after the game.”

  “Will do,” I tell them, as I jog away to join my team.

  We may be good at soccer, but as flag football players, we stink. The juniors kick our asses 34-10. We don’t care though. It was fun, even if I did get tripped and had to eat turf as I hit the ground. I have a little bit of a burn on my chin, but nothing serious. Keesh got the worst of it as our quarterback. Those juniors are fierce. Many times they forgot we were playing flag, and they sacked her ass. Of course, there were penalties but that didn’t stop them from playing rough.

  I breathed a sigh of relief when Andi took herself out of the game after the first few plays. Her hand is still bothering her and she doesn’t want to risk hurting her money-maker. That girl is gonna be featured in magazines and museums someday. No point in ruining the possibility for something as goofy as us girls playing football.

  For our very last Backwards’ dance, the six of us still stuck in high school decide to go as a group. Even Andi and Travis ditch their couple status for the night. Dom is staying home. Alex isn’t driving down. Ben … well, he’s out perfecting his skills in the art of killing people. So it’s the four girls and the two dudes, hitting the dance floor in jeans and tees. The girls are wearing our New King On The Block shirts—that we had custom made at the mall—to support Josh. Travis and Josh are both sporting shirts that say, “I’m with Doofus.” When they stand side by side, an arrow points to the other one. It’s so dorky, but it’s so them it’s scary.

  We all work up a sweat dancing the Cupid Shuffle, shuffling from side to side, kicking and turning. As the song comes to an end, Mr. Mitchell takes his place at the mic. He calls for everyone to clear the dance floor except for the princes. Josh lines up with the four other guys, a smile spread across his face like a giddy little kid. His eyes almost sparkle he’s so excited. And we all are, for him.

  “And now the moment you’ve all been waiting for … can I get a drum roll?” A sound rumbles through the speakers. “You all voted, the tallies are in. And this year’s Backwards crown goes to our very own Carver celebrity. Our very own baseball stud. Give it up for … King Josh!”

  Our friend steps forward, with a dramatic bow, and then he points in several directions, mouthing, “Thank you. Thank you.” Then, the dork brings his fingers to his lips and starts blowing kisses. I can’t help but laugh and neither can the rest of my friends.

  “All right, Josh. C’mon now.” Mr. Mitchell shakes his head with a grin. “Let’s get this kid crowned.” One of our classmates sits a crown on his big head and another tosses a velvet robe around his shoulders. “And now it’s time for the King’s first dance. Grab your lady.”

  “Just one?” Josh shouts, looking back at him.

  Mr. Mitchell raises a brow.

  Josh jogs over to our group. “C’mon, Keesha. You’re first.” And then he turns back. “I’ll be back for the rest of you.”

  And he does. He comes back for each of us, spending just a few beats dancing with all his dates. He ends the song in Travis’s arms which has the crowd snapping pictures and roaring with laughter.

  Chapter 24

  Mail is sitting on my bed when I get home from school. I’m so sick of all the college brochures and fliers. I already applied everywhere I want to go, so why these rinky dink, no-name technical schools—who are just trying to steal your money—keep sending stuff at all is crazy. I scoop up the pile and toss it in the trash.

  An insane amount of homework awaits, so I empty my backpack on my bed and scan the contents wondering where I should start first.

  My phone chimes from somewhere near the bottom of the heap. I shuffle around my notebooks and binder till I find it.

  It’s from Keesh.

  Did u chk ur mail? I got into Davis!

  I reread her message a few more times to let it sink in.

  Oh shit!

  In a split second, my wastebasket is dumped on the floor and I’m sifting through all the mess I thought was junk mail. How could I be so stupid. I knew they’d be here soon.

  Finally, I see a larger white envelope. Big. That’s good, right?

  My mom pops here head in.

  “Anything you wanna share? I’ve been waiting patiently in the kitchen.” She eyeballs the trash on the floor. “What happened here?”

  “Mom, why didn’t you say anything? I thought this was all junk mail and I threw it away.”

  Her lips form an “O”.

  “Keesh just sent me a message. She got in to Davis.”

  My mom claps. “I think that’s the envelope you got. I’m excited for you, honey. But I’m not gonna lie. I’ll miss you if you go all the way up there.”

  “I haven’t even opened it yet so don’t get your panties in a bunch.”

  She nods. “Okay, open it, would you? I’m dying here.”

  My heart is thumping so loud, I can hear it. It’s like a jackhammer pulsing in my chest. I tear open the top of the envelope and slide out a stack of papers.

  I only need to read the first word to know the outcome.


  Tears fill my eyes as I tilt my chin up to my mom. “I’m in. I just got accepted to my first four-year university.”

; In an instant, she’s kneeling beside me, arms circling my body, as she rocks me back and forth. She sniffles, and I know she’s crying right along with me. “I’m so proud of you, baby. You’ve worked so hard. Congratulations!”

  “Thank you, Mom. Let’s call Dad. I bet we can get a really good dinner out of this.”

  She chuckles into my hair and pulls back to look at me. “And some ice cream too.”

  Dad brings home Chinese food, along with gourmet cupcakes. I devour an Oreo Cookie Chocolate Fudge dessert, savoring each bite as if it’ll be my last.

  I can still taste the sweetness on my lips as I pace a trail into the carpet in my room. In two minutes, Alex should be home from his internship and will be calling me. I’ve been dying to tell him about Davis, but I don’t want to do it over a text. This is too exciting. I want him to hear it from my own two lips, not read it on a three-inch screen. Plus, I want to hear and see his reaction.

  Time trickles by like a slow drip on a leaky faucet. Drip. Drip. Tick. Tick.

  Finally. Two minutes are up.

  I pounce on my bed, bring my laptop onto my thighs and wait.

  My phone chimes first.

  Hey r u home? Wanna chat? Video? Call? Phone sex?

  My head falls back with a laugh. Phone sex? If I’m having any kind of sex with this guy … well that’s another thing that’s not gonna happen over the phone. I send him a quick reply letting him know video will be just fine. And not video sex either.

  Seconds later, his face is smiling at me over the invisible internet lines.

  “Hey, baby. How was your day?” he winks at me with that sexy grin of his spread across his gorgeous mouth.

  His lips are amazing, even in the blurriness of a video chat. I could suck on them for days.

  “Megan? Are you there? Can you see me? Hear me?” He starts moving around, examining his screen and keyboard.

  “Yeah. Yeah, I’m here. I can see you.” I chuckle. “That’s the problem. You make me lose my mind every time I see you.”

  “Is that a compliment?”

  “Duh! It’s been years, and you still make me drool.”

  “Right back at’cha, beautiful.” He winks again and my heart does a little dance.

  “So,” I begin, taking a deep breath. “I have something to share with you.” His eyes fixate on mine. “I got accepted to Davis today,” I squeal.

  His smile widens, reaching up to the corners of his eyes, his lips parted. “Oh my god, Meggie. I’m so happy for you. Congratulations!”

  “Thank you.”

  His smile reaches me closing the distance between us. “You know that’s just the first of many.”

  “That’s what I’m hoping for,” I tell him.

  “Have you checked online? Sometimes schools post their decisions there before they mail them out.”

  I shake my head. “No, I never thought of that.”

  “Meg, this is the digital age. I’m surprised they even send paper letters anymore.”

  “True.” The idea of looking online right now suddenly haunts me and my belly is a ball of nerves again.

  “Hey, I have a ton of work I need to do for class tomorrow. Why don’t you go check online and I’ll call you when I’m done so you can give me the news?”

  I think this over. “Sounds good.”

  “Congrats, Megan. I’m so proud of you, baby. I can’t wait to find out where you decide to go.”

  “Yeah, I can’t wait to find out either,” I say with a roll of my eyes.

  Since Tuesday, letters have been trickling in slowly. After Alex suggested I look online, only one school had posted their decisions. I’m in at San Jose and I couldn’t be happier. So are Steph and Keesha. If we want to go to the same school, San Jose is going to be it. It’s the only school all three of us applied to.

  “This is so hard,” Steph says. “How are we supposed to decide? I think I might have a nervous breakdown. There are so many things to consider it’s literally making me ill.” Dom runs his big paws up and down her arm, trying to calm her. His eyes study her with an intensity I’ve never seen. This has to be hard for him too. Whatever decision she makes, it could drastically change his life too. She’s already been accepted to Stanford, Mary’s and some college out of state. Both Keesh and I got in at San Diego too.

  “I just wish Berkeley would hurry their arrogant asses up,” Keesh says. “I know it’s the only thing stopping both of you from making a decision.” She gives Steph and I the look, raised brow and all.

  This whole discussion is starting to irritate me. We decided to come to my house and chill outside in the backyard, and maybe roast some marshmallows. We didn’t say anything about hashing out college decisions. “I’m not waiting for Berkeley,” I tell her.

  My friends go silent, each of their necks snapping to turn in my direction. “Dude, even I know you’re waiting for that.”

  “Whatever, Andi.” I pause. “You know what. I’d like to be able to make a decision for myself. Both Ben and Alex, my parents, Mrs. Fuller, have all said I need to do what’s best for me. I wish I’d get the chance. It’s killing me to think we could all be going in different directions, but do I really want to pick a school just so I can be near you?” I point to Keesh. “Or you?” I point to Steph. “Or anyone? What if you guys want to go somewhere I don’t really want to go to? Mary’s was the only school we visited in Los Angeles and I don’t want to go there. I didn’t even apply. So I already know wherever I go, I’m going to be far away from Andi. And probably Travis.” He puts his head down when I glance at him. “And who knows what the hell Josh is gonna do?”

  He puts his hands to his chest. “Me. Don’t bring me into this, I don’t know what the fuck I’m gonna do. And I sure as hell don’t want to put any pressure on you. Go wherever you want, Megster.”

  I swear, by the time I make a decision, I’m gonna have coronary problems. My heart is beating like a drum at a rock concert. An idea pops into my head to calm my nerves. I stand, pull off my hoodie, kick off my flip flops, take a few steps to the edge of my pool, and jump in. Clothes and all.

  The chill of the water hits my skin like a slap in the face. But it’s so refreshing at the same time, and it’s just what I need. If the boys weren’t here, I’d whip off my shorts and tee, but they are so I have to slosh around in them while they weigh me down. Dipping myself underwater again, I resurface, floating on my back. Voices murmur through the water and into my ears, but I can’t make out what they’re saying. Thank god.

  There’s a splash, and a wave pushes me away from the person. I close my eyes, not wanting to know who joined me. And then, there’s another splash. Great. I was trying to get some peace.

  Suddenly, I’m under water again. My eyes flash open to see Keesh pushing me down with a smile.

  “What the hell?” I shout, after taking a breath.

  “Hey, relax,” Steph says softly, mascara smeared under her eyes. “We have an idea.

  The three of us are treading water in the deep end, eyes darting back and forth between one another.

  “An idea about what?” I ask.

  Keesh smiles, and nods at Steph.

  “How about we make the decisions on our own?”

  “That would be great. But how do you suppose we do that?” I ask, wiping water from my face.

  This time they’re both smiling and my nerves kick in again. “How about we make it a surprise? We won’t talk about choosing schools again until we’ve made our choices.”

  I’m confused. “What do you mean? What if you decide before me? Are you gonna tell me?”

  “No.” Keesh shakes her head. “We’re gonna keep it a secret until Senior Awards Night. None of us will know what each other’s plans are until we step up on that stage and spill the beans into the mic.”

  “That’s crazy!” I squeal. “But what a plan. Do you think we can all keep a secret?”

  Steph’s eyes are wide. “We can try.”

  Chapter 25

sh signed up for a campus tour at San Diego, so Steph and I are tagging along. It’s spring break and other than a day at the beach, we don’t have anything planned. Steph and Dom have decided to stay in town and not go dirt bike riding with their families. Alex won’t be home till Thursday. It could possibly be our last spring break together and we have very little planned.

  Keesha spends a good five minutes checking all the gauges on her mom’s Camry and looking in her mirrors before she pulls away from the curb at my house.

  “Are you sure you know how to drive?” Steph asks, from the backseat.

  Our driver doesn’t look back at her. “I have my license, don’t I?”

  “The testing guy could’ve been old or had a bad day. I feel like I’m driving with my grandma.” She pauses. “Or a crack addict. You’re practically twitching with nerves.”

  I try not to laugh, but I can’t help it. Keesh’s hands clutch the steering wheel at ten and two and her eyes flit in every direction as she moves down the street.

  “Keesh, just relax, girl,” I say, softly. “Keep your eyes on the road and relax.”

  Steph starts to say something, but I turn around and shush her.

  “We have a two-hour drive ahead of us. Let’s just turn on some beats and chill.” I push the button on the dash to turn on the radio, hoping the music will calm my friend and we’ll get down south in one piece.

  I don’t think I’ve ever driven anywhere with Keesh and now I know why. The girl is barely going the speed limit on the freeway. It may take us three hours to get there. But who am I to judge? I never drive either. My mom always offers me the car, but why would I want to drive? I love cruising in the backseat chatting with my friends. I don’t have to pay attention to anything but the conversation.